The latest condition sheets from tracks around the US.
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Trainers - enter your horses 24/7/365 via your USTA MyAccount. Online entry accepted at all US pari-mutuel racetracks and most county fairs.
This tool kit will help you to work with your local, state and federal political leaders to make sure the interests of harness racing are considered.
Race conditions, payment schedules and more for North American stakes and early/late closers.
NEW For 2025 – Graded Stakes
Attention Industry participants! If you have any concerns regarding integrity issues in harness racing, alert the USTA through the USTA Integrity Tip Line.
Call toll-free 833-USTATIP (833-878-2847). All callers have the option to leave contact information for a follow-up call from an investigator - or not.
When contacting the USTA Integrity Tip Line, callers will be asked to provide as many specific details as possible regarding the situation that are important for the USTA to be aware of including names, horses, dates and locations as well as any other circumstances.